No, this isn't actually what I thought was the best story of the week. Honestly, I think it's boring and kind of a non-story. The guy's 23, has more money than he knows what to do with and clearly has an issue with discretion. He parties. So what? His biggest mistake was allowing someone to take a picture with him.
The only reason I even bother mentioning this is because I find the media coverage of this hilarious. The stretches people make in trying to make this into more than what it is are not only baffling, but concerning. Sorry, big media, but no, this does not call into question the validity of his gold medals.
This may be a shock, but weed does not enhance athletic performance. Actually, if Phelps was smoking week while training for the Olympics, his winning 8 gold medals is even more impressive.
I think my favorite quotation regarding this story comes from The View's Elisabeth Hasselbeck. This genius went as far as to ask, "[if he is willing to] take a drug that could impede his performance, would he be open to taking a drug that would enhance his performance?"
Sorry if this one bored you, but (as evidenced by the extensive coverage of this story) it was a slow news week.
Good 'ol Phelpsy tokin' up: Picture
Dumb bitch on The View talking about it: Video